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Arrangements for the Recognition of Credit Mobility and Prior Learning


Salerno State Conservatoire recognises two types of prior learning: formal and non-formal.
Formal learning is achieved through a formal education process, to which the level of credit awarded can be mapped towards the course units learning outcomes of the programme of current study.
Non-formal learning is achieved through life, artistic and work experiences, workplace learning, continuing professional development, independent learning.

The purpose of the accreditation of prior learning process is to enable learners to gain credit within a particular programme, for specific unit courses.
Learners are eligible to apply for accreditation of prior learning providing the following criteria:
- learning acquired through previous accredited study equates with the learning outcomes of the course unit for which exemption is being claimed (for formal learning);
- the learning outcomes of the course unit for which exemption is being claimed have been achieved through prior informal or experiential learning (for non-formal learning);
- the learning arising from previous study or experience can be demonstrated;
- the credit for the previous study being considered as evidence for the accreditation of prior learning claim is not simultaneously double counted towards an award from the Salerno State Conservatoire.

The maximum permitted exemption from a programme will not exceed 50% of the total credit.

Exchange Outgoing Students

Full academic recognition for Erasmus student is confirmed by Salerno State Conservatoire: the study period abroad (including examinations or other forms of assessment) replaces a comparable period of study at Salerno State Conservatoire (including examinations or other forms of assessment).
Before outgoing students are leaving, the "Recognition Sheet" is prepared by using the learning agreement of the student.
The ECTS credits to be gained at host institution are guaranteed. Good communication and flexibility are also needed to facilitate the academic recognition of studies completed or taken abroad. In this respect the ECTS coordinators have an important role to play as their main task is to deal with the academic and administrative aspects of ECTS.
After completion of the studies abroad "Proof of Recognition" is prepared by the International Relations Office by taking into account the information on "Transcript of Records" provided by the host institution.
Our recognition procedure is explaned in our Rules for the Erasmus Mobility, International Activities and Relations under articles 10 and 11

Ultimo aggiornamento: 14/03/2022

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