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Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Martucci


Amministrazione Trasparente Albo Pretorio Contatti Sicurezza e Prevenzione Whistleblowing Webmail Studenti

Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS) of Salerno State Conservatoire


Our international strategy will continue in the wake of ensuring high quality in organizing students and staff mobility promotion of an intercultural dialogue, by organizing events involving Europe and world-wide student bodies; increasing activities aimed at internationalisation in education and training involving also Eastern European nations, the Western Balkans and third countries.
According to our vision we confirm we want to be a continuing education center, an artistic research and production center, and an open learning center for our region.

It's important for us to promote study exchanges and placements for students' personal and professional development, through the comparison with different cultures, teaching and learning experiences.
Partner institutions for study are chosen taking into account first of all the high quality level of educational offer, curricula degrees, teaching staff, international policy, geographical area in relation to cultural and educational traditions; students preferences or teaching staff friendships sometimes help to open new partnerships, so, while in the first years we mostly focused on German countries for classical music and on north Europe countries for Jazz, we subsequently opened up to Eastern Europe and to Western Balkans countries as regards teaching and popular cultures, and now we are opening up to non-European countries, in particular to Asia. A relevant aspect for students choice is represented by the teaching staff in the host institution.
Partner enterprises for traineeships are chosen for the possibility they give to link curricula to labour market needs. Our most successful partnerships are open with Opera Houses, Orchestras, Libraries, or with HEIs or private schools, when relevant to offer students work opportunities or improve their skills.

As clearly shown in our Rules for the Erasmus Mobility, International Activities and Relations, the most important objectives of our mobility activities are to encourage a policy of exchanges and joint projects with international partners such as to produce a significant and positive outcome for the improvement of the quality level, updating of training activities for the development of European awareness of students and staff.
Any initiative to build new relationships and international activities will be carefully assessed in relation to the immediate and future benefits, the real possibilities of development, or the real economic possibilities to be made, supported and developed, and in relation to the activities our institution.

Policies relating to international relations will primarily beaimed at creating mobility of students, teachers and other staff, through periods of study, training and intensive programs, blended mobilities, multilateral projects for the development of curricula, the modernization of higher education and the support of networks, also aim at creating joint degrees. Activities of teaching staff offer teachers opportunities for professional and personal development, motivation to enrich the contents of the courses, promoting the exchange of new experiences on teaching methodology.
Priority will be given to mobility activities that lead to the production of new teaching material and to mobility activities that will be used to consolidate and expand relationships between the institutions and to prepare for future cooperation projects.

The specific characteristics of musical studies mean that the artistic production is expected to lie at the top of the activities that enhance the quality of students and teaching staff mobility.
Through participation in concerts and performances, guest students have the opportunity to make significant experience of artistic production, and a better knowledge of the local interacting with other musicians and with the environment of the host country.
For students and alumni who have been in mobility abroad, participation in activities of artistic production is a significant moment for the exchange of experiences and verification of their musical, technical, organizational and relational skills.
Artistic production activities represent an important moment for experience exchange among teachers in mobility, and are the most significant aspects of innovation to enhance new teaching contents, the main aims of the exchange programs between institutions of different countries.
Priority will be given to activities that involve all teachers, students and former mobility students, both Italian and foreign.

Our target groups are first of all motivated outgoing students both for study purpose and for traineeship. We give relevant importance to students motivation which has often produced successful mobility experiences. If first cycle student mobility is mostly oriented to study purpose, second cycle students mainly go abroad for traineeship.

Outgoing teaching staff mobility is increasing and encourages incoming students and new partnerships.

Incoming students are also a big value for our institution.

Incoming teachers and enterprise staff for teaching purpose give high quality level to our curricula and put students in contact with international labour market.

We believe the international mobility of students, researchers and staff, as well as the growing internationalisation, have a strong impact on quality.

Our goal is to be a center of knowledge, expertise and learning, bring talented people into innovative environments, act as the center of a knowledge network.

As member of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC) our Institution is part of this cultural and educational network providing a range of platforms for the exchange of experiences and ideas between member institutions and for the identification and sharing of best practice in European Higher Music Education.
Participating in AEC meetings gives Rectors, International Relations Coordinators, and teaching staff the possibility to share good practices, consolidate existing partnerships and open new ones, cooperate in teaching and training projects.

In addition, our institution participates in the AEC EPARM (European Platform for Artistic Research in Musica), PJP (Pop and Jazz Platform) and EMP (Early Music Platform) platforms, which allow you to propagate and discuss the results of artistic research (such as those on the repertoire traditional Neapolitan, subject of study of a post-graduate Master), and to give adequate resonance to international festivals involving students and teachers, such as the Martucci Jazz Festival, international guitar meetings, the Contemporary Music Festival Risonanze, the International Festival of Electronic and Electroacoustic Music

According to EU Agenda for modernization of higher education systems, and in line with our mission we’ll work for reforms in the specific key areas:

1) Tackling future skills mismatches and promoting excellence in skills development, through the improvement of the quality and relevance of teaching and training, supporting staff exchanges and including work experience in teaching paths, in order to link them to the current and future needs of the labor market, promoting employment and self-entrepreneurship. Encourage a greater variety of study modalities (part-time, distance, blended and modular learning), using technology to structure learning and teaching in new ways, fostering online, open, and blended learning.

2) Building inclusive and connected higher education systems: we believe that higher education must be inclusive and open to talents from all socio-economic backgrounds. For this reason, we work for the financial support of students in disadvantaged conditions, in offering flexible forms of study, in fighting any form of discrimination, in promoting linguistic integration. We also intend to develop progression paths defined by other types of education towards higher education, through national qualifications frameworks linked to the European Qualifications Framework based on learning outcomes.

3) Provide more opportunities for students to gain additional skills through study or training abroad, in order to encourage international cooperation and improve the quality of higher education. We work to attract the best students and teachers outside the EU and to develop new forms of international cooperation, integrate mobility for study into curricula, remove obstacles in the transfer between degree and master's courses, cooperation and exchanges International; to guarantee the recognition of credits acquired abroad through effective quality assurance, a comparable and consistent use of ECTS and the Diploma Supplement, linking qualifications to the European Qualifications Framework; to facilitate access to students and teachers from other countries, implementing the directives concerning students and researchers and the EU Visa Code.

4) Ensuring higher education institutions contribute to innovation, both educational and administrative, stimulating the development of creative and entrepreneurial skills in all disciplines and in all three cycles, and encouraging partnership and cooperation with businesses through removal of regulatory and administrative obstacles that can regulate networks and partnerships between institutions to other public and private actors. Completely dematerialize administrative procedures by enhancing the use of digital systems for all academic activities.

5) Supporting effective and efficient higher education systems, through a review of the forms of financing, urging a targeted identification of real costs and careful planning of spending, also through a financing mechanism linked to performance. We believe that greater autonomy is needed to develop a strategy that attracts the best teaching staff and the introduction of new curricula.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 29/03/2022

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