Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
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Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Martucci


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Neapolitan Song and Language

Specialising Master’s Qualification in Neapolitan Song and Language 


The course, consisting of both lectures and practical instruction, includes two inter-disciplinary sections.


Category: Neapolitan Song, Literature, and Language
Subject ECTS Teaching hours
Neapolitan Language 4 30
Neapolitan Literature 2 20
History of Neapolitan Song 4 30
Historical-Musical Research of Neapolitan Song 3 20
History of Vocal Music in Naples (XVIII and XIX centuries) 3 20
Compositional Forms of Vocal Chamber Music 3 20
Reduction, Arrangement and Adaptation of Neapolitan Song for Ensembles 4 20


Category: Interpretation and Performance
Subject ECTS Teaching hours
Vocality and Interpretation of Art Song in Chamber Music Ensembles 4 30
Basics of Neapolitan Diction and Translation 4 40
Vocality and Interpretation of Neapolitan Song 4 40
Forms and Types of Instrumental Accompaniment 4 30
Ensemble for the Neapolitan Repertoire 5 30
Analysis and Interpretation of Neapolitan Poetry set to Music 3 20
Repertoire and Concert Programme 3 30
Apprenticeship 10 -


At the end of the Course, subject to fulfilling necessary bureaucratic obligations (registration, payment of fees, satisfactory attendance and completion of coursework, etc.), students will sit a final examination focusing on all the topics covered.

The Course is supported by the option of extra-curricula performances, some of which are included in the formal Conservatoire schedule.

Aims of the Course:

The main goal of this Course is to help students to develop as professional musicians. The Course profile is both theoretical and practical, working within the study, conservation, and diffusion of Neapolitan song and literature.

Students are expected to acquire professional skills relative to a wide musical repertoire (including the XIX and XX centuries). In particular, the Course will lay emphasis on a global education aimed at connecting both performance and a critical knowledge of the various Neapolitan vocal genres.

Here are all the competencies that will be covered:

  • comparative historical analysis of Neapolitan song and other Italian and European vocal forms (both popular and art music);
  • practical and theoretical knowledge of Neapolitan language and literature;
  • performance and interpretation;
  • scheduling of a concert performance and creation of a concert programme, including historical and critical notes.

Admission requirements:

Students of all ages and nationalities who have earned a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree (or equivalent qualification that is officially recognised) are welcomed to apply.

Successful applicants will be admitted to the courses upon the results of an interview.

The interview will examine the applicant's artistic and professional history; motivation; and cultural, linguistic and musical knowledge.

President of the Study Course Board: Pasquale Scialò

Tutor: Francesca Seller

Study Course Board: Antonia Lezza, Ernesto Pulignano, Pasquale Scialò, Francesca Seller, Irene Tortora

Fees: € 1.500,00 (to be deposited in a maximum of 6 instalments).

Ultimo aggiornamento: 29/03/2022

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