Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
Alto Contrasto Reimposta
Area Protetta

Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Martucci


Amministrazione Trasparente Albo Pretorio Contatti Sicurezza e Prevenzione Whistleblowing Webmail Studenti

Practical Information


VISA and Residence Permit

EU students

Students who come from EU member States (European Union), EEA States (European Economic Area) and Switzerland are required to carry proof of a valid passport (or valid ID card) when entering Italy. A stay that lasts less than three months does not require any formalities.
EU students staying in Italy for a period exceeding three months must register with the General Registry Office/Vital Statistics Office at the city hall where they intend to reside. They must register within three months of their arrival in Italy and obtain a residence certificate.

EU member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary.
EEA States (non UE members): Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland.

Non-EU Students

Students who are not citizens of EU/EEA or of any countries with which Italy has not a Visa Waiver Programme agreement, need to obtain a visa from an Italian embassy or consulate before entering Italy.
For further information about applying for a visa, the validity periods of visas, and visa application fees, as well as the list of countries whose citizens do not need visas, see the website at Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Italy.
Non-EU students staying in Italy for a period exceeding three months must apply for a residence permit at any authorised post office within eight working days upon arrival.
For more details visit the website Study-in-Italy.
For further information on visa and residence permits in EU countries you can visit the EU Immigration Portal.

Tax Code (Codice Fiscale)

The tax code is a personal code which consists of letters and numbers, that uniquely identifies the subjects within the Italian State, in particular regarding tax and administrative matters.
It is necessary to have a tax code card in order to get access to the services of public entities (e.g. to enroll at the National Health Service), to enter into a contract (e.g. employment or rent), to open a bank account, but also to buy a phone card.
In order to obtain the tax code, it is necessary to go to the local Italian Tax authority and make sure to carry a valid identity document, a passport or a residence permit.

Agenzia delle Entrate Salerno 
Address: via degli uffici finanziari 7 
Phone: +39 (0) 89 3062111


Italian Conservatoires do not operate a campus system as commonly found in English-speaking countries, but as a well-established university town Salerno offers plenty of housing possibilities for students.

Usually students find an accommodation to share with other Italian or foreign fellow students. The surroundings of the Conservatoire could be a good election; it is a relatively quiet place and no public transportation is required. The Conservatoire is located in the old town; the official address is: Street Salvatore De Renzi, 62 - 84125 Salerno

The monthly rental fee for a sleeping accommodation is around 250 euros. In general, these prices do not include gas, telephone and electricity bills nor the individual share of general expenses for the building maintenance. In the majority of cases, landlords require a deposit of two months’ rent. This deposit will be given back at the expiration of the contract.

The Youth Hostel ‘Ave Gratia Plena’ is located near the Conservatoire, in the old town:

Cost of Living

Salerno offers a high quality of life for a reasonable price. The cost of living in Campania region is less expensive than in Northern Italy, and one will be able to live very comfortably without spending too much.
In the immediate vicinity of the Martucci Conservatoire, cafeterias are open from early morning until late afternoon and offer typical Italian breakfast, sandwiches, hot meals at very affordable prices.
There are several restaurants within walking distance from the Conservatoire, in the old town, which offer a large choice of traditional local dishes at all price ranges.
Students can also do inexpensive shopping in groceries or supermarkets and cook at home.
To help students planning their budget at our Conservatoire, here is a list of some goods and services:

bread (0,5 kg) 1 euro 
milk (1 lt) 0,80 euros 
sugar (1 kg) 1,20 euros 
pasta (0,5 kg) 0,40 euros 
oranges (1 kg) 1 euro 
pizza 5 euros 
espresso coffee (1 cup) 0,90 euros 
bus ticket (1 hour) 1,20 euros


Students from EU/EEA countries have access to health insurance with the European Health Insurance Card.

European health insurance card

Please ask at your national health insurance how to obtain this card. In most cases your national health insurance card corresponds to your European Health Insurance Card.
This card entitles the holder to any medical assistance that might become necessary during a temporary stay (but cannot be used for private sector health care providers). The treatment cost will be the same of any Italian citizen.

For more information about the European Health Insurance Card click here.

Non-EU students can apply for voluntary registration with the SSN (National Health Service) and obtain an European Health Insurance Card that has the same duration as the residence permit.
To register with the Italian National Health Service, non-EU students must apply to the ASL office, via Vernieri 1, first floor, from monday to friday 8:30-12:30 – phone +39 (0) 89 694255, presenting a personal identity document, residence permit and self-certification of residence. The registration cost for the current year is € 149,77.

Download the Guide to the National Health Service by Foreign Citizens

The Guide is also available in French, Spanish, Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, Romanian, Ukcranian, click here to choose your language.

Medical Facilities

Public National Healthcare Service

With their European Health Insurance Card students from EU/EEA States can go directly to ASL doctors (Public National Healthcare Service).
Non-EU Students can apply for voluntary registration with the SSN (National Health Service). (See Insurance)

The Doctor on Duty (Guardia Medica)

In Italy, the doctor on duty is a free health care service one can contact any time by phone in emergency cases.
By calling this number, a doctor will give you advice and make an in-home examination if needed. After examination and first treatment, they can prescribe medicines, issue medical certificates and suggest an eventual need hospital admission.

ASL Salerno : Guardia Medica
Address: via Vernieri 1
Phone: +39 (0) 89 5647306


Salerno's general hospital is located in the city's suburbs, approximately 10 minutes from the city centre.
Hospital admission occurs on written medical prescription from the ASL doctor. In case of accident or life-threatening situations you can call the emergency phone number 118 or go directly to the first aid section that provides first treatment in case of health emergency.

For more information regarding Hospital, consult:

Ospedale S. Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi D'Aragona‎
Address: Via San Leonardo, 1
Phone: +39 (0) 89 671111


Medications can only be purchased at pharmacies. Information regarding opening hours, night and weekend service can be found here and on information boards at each pharmacy.
Pharmacies in Italy are denoted by a green cross on a white background.

Emergency Phone Numbers

EU Emergency Phone Number: 112
Police emergency service: 113
Health Emergency Number: 118
Hospital: +39 089 671111
Doctor on duty (Guardia medica): +39 089 671111 
Road accidents and assistance: 116 
Fire Brigade: 115 
Taxi service: +39 089 757575

Contacts for International Students

M° Ernesto Pulignano, International Relations Coordinator  The International Office is located in the small building in front of the main entrance, on the first floor. 

Ultimo aggiornamento: 10/11/2022

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